Credit Card Gateway Setup

The credit card gateway feature allows you to set up connectivity with multiple payment processing networks that verify and approve transactions (by routing the information to the consumer's bank for approval) over a Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 connection. The system can be set up for all major credit cards.

To use the multiple credit card gateway functionality, the system administrator needs to add the credit card gateway entries into your system's web.config files (iWeb and eWeb), and add the gateway name using this process.

Credit card gateways are selected when you set up payment methods.

Note: A credit card gateway is used only when you have multiple PayFlow Pro internet merchant accounts. If you do not have multiple accounts, then do not add a credit card gateway.

Important! If you are not familiar with the gateway protocol and editing web.config files, you should not perform these tasks. Please contact your Abila implementation representative for assistance.

To set up a credit card gateway, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Accounting Overview page.
  2. Click the Accounting Setup page hyperlink.
    This opens the Accounting Setup page.
  1. Click the Add icon located on the credit card gateways child form.The Add - Credit Card Gateway Setup pop-up window appears.
  2. Enter the credit card gateway code in the creditcardgateway field. This is the name of the credit card gateway however this name must also exist as an element in the ECommerceSettings section of the iweb and ewebweb.config files.
  3. Click the Save button.

Editing the web.config File

Use the following steps to edit the web.config files to add a gateway.

  1. Add a section for each gateway in the ECommerceSettings section of the various web.config files (iWeb, eWeb, xWeb, and binaries.)
  2. Enter a descriptive name in the name field. This name will be what you enter into the field on the credit card gateway page:

    Example: <?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="utf-8"?><configuration><configSections><sectionGroupname="ECommerceSettings"><sectionname="PayFlowPro_Main"type="System.Configuration.SingleTagSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"/><sectionname="PayFlowPro_Foundation"type="System.Configuration.SingleTagSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"/>

  3. Further below, in the ECommerceSettings section, add two lines like this and enter in the correct values for the integration (each payment processor may have different settings and names for them) for the username, password, etc.

    Example: <ECommerceSettings><PayFlowPro_Mainpartner="VeriSign"vendor="ABC"username="ABCUser"password="adfasdfasdf"url=""progid="PayPal.Payments.Communication.PayflowNETAPI"/><PayFlowPro_Foundationpartner="VeriSign"vendor="ABCFoundation"username="ABCFoundationUser"password="adsadfsadfsd"url=""progid="PayPal.Payments.Communication.PayflowNETAPI"/>

  4. Make sure that the section names are the same as what you called them in the first part, and also make sure you enter these same names into the Gateways in netFORUM.
  5. In this example, you'll have two gateways set up in netFORUM, one for each section you just added. You can then assign the payment methods to either gateway in netFORUM.
  6. If you need more gateways, repeat this task.